The next product I have been kindly given to review from Forever Living range is the Aloe based face mask I hear that this has been dubbed 'botox in a bottle.' To red my previous review of the Forever Living Aloe BB Cream click here!
So this face mask arrives in two separate pots and you mix as you need it. So I was advised to follow the instructions on the box & was also warned it gets super tight on our face.
Okay, the first box I opened is the Mask Powder. It comes in a screw lid pot and then has another plastic seal. I lifted this of the unveil the mask powder inside. Which might I add has an uncanny resemblance to pink sherbet haha. The instructions tell you to mix 1 teaspoon of this with 1 teaspoon of the Aloe Activator which will create a gel, face mask like consistency.
I went ahead and took the Aloe Activator out the box and measured out a teaspoon of this to mix with the powder. This comes in a pop cap bottle which is secure to avoid leaking.
Aloe Activator |
The Aloe Activator has many uses on its own which include, calming down watering eyes from high pollen count, calming shaving rash and razor bumps, cleansing the skin, help bruises, sprains and swellings. The list really goes on but obviously consult with a someone trained in this product (Like Vicky - All details re at he end of the post.) It can be applied in different ways to help different conditions so please double heck before hand. Talk about mother nature, aloe really is a healing plant!
I went ahead, mixing them both with a teaspoon in a small dish until I got the correct consistency. I tied my hair back tight, and used a flat make up brush to apply to my skin. I obviously avoided the eyes and mouth but gave the rest of my face a good coat of the face mask.
Barbra Daily Make Up Brush |
I as told it would get tight but took a good 5 minutes for me to start feeling the effect. The box suggest to lie in a reclining position while I kept it on for 30 minutes. This was also a good chance to catch up on TV which I don't do very often!
After about 15 minutes the tightening of the skin was rather intense and it does almost feel like your face is in a vacuum (in a good way.) It is rather comical and laughable because you almost lose movement in our face while you have it on. I used a wet flannel with warm water to remove the face mask. It does take a little to remove. I do admittedly have sensitive skin so mine went a little red but it rushes the blood to the surface and plumps the skin. It really is a wonder product.
I really can say that this did make my skin feel AMAZING once I had washed it off. And even the morning after my skin still felt delightful and more balanced. It was less oily and just feeling very soft! This product is brilliant for people suffering from acne, impetigo or acne rosacea.
To order yours, contact Vicky Robinson who is lovely and can answer your questions about products!
Tel: 07939683975
Web Store:
I've used Forever products, namely the Bee Pollen range and the pure Aloe, and as good as it is I'm sorry but it won't match up to actual real botox administered by a qualified private GP in an aesthetics clinic. I looked like I had slept for a month!!Private Doctor
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ReplyDeletethe product is really worth buying.ive used it and the effect is beyond expectation.With regular use,it helps in firming and soften my skin condition.
ReplyDeletethe product is really worth buying.ive used it and the effect is beyond expectation.With regular use,it helps in firming and soften my skin condition.
ReplyDeleteI think so. I think your article will give those people a good reminding. And they will express thanks to you later
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